Thursday 29 May 2008

Indiana Jones - Ford Waxes Chest For Charity

INDIANA JONES star HARRISON FORD has had his chest waxed for a new advertising campaign to promote awareness of deforestation.

The 65-year-old actor is seen gritting his teeth and wincing with pain as a wax strip is pulled from his torso.

But the stunt is all for a good cause as the 30-second ad has been filmed for Conservation International - an environmental campaign group - to help raise awareness of the effect of deforestation on global warming.

Ford is seen saying, "Every bit of rain forest that gets ripped out over there really hurts us over here."

And Conservation International boss Peter Seligmann insists the Hollywood star really went through with the waxing, and his pained expression was totally genuine.

He says, "I didn't have to talk him into anything. I was there when he filmed it. It really hurt. There's nothing about the expression on his face that was fake."

The short film mirrors a scene from 2005 movie The 40-Year-Old Virgin, which sees actor Steve Carell screaming with pain during his chest hair removal session.

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